Panel Discussion

Brent Blackaby


The internet has become an indispensable part of nonprofit life. But harnessing the web and email for outreach and fundraising takes agility and experience. Different objectives call for different styles, and online and off-line efforts need to be coordinated for maximum impact. In this panel discussion, experts use case studies to share their technological and marketing know-how to help nonprofits plan effective web and communications strategies.

Brent Blackaby is the cofounder of Blackrock Associates, an online marketing consulting firm focused on serving Democratic political campaigns and causes, and nonprofit organizations. Blackrock Associates has many years of expertise in online marketing, online fundraising, supporter acquisition, and grassroots engagement from work in both the political and business worlds. Its clients include General Wesley Clark, Senator Barbara Boxer, Senator Patrick Leahy, Senator Carl Levin, Senator Mary Landrieu, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, and many other local, state, and national candidates and campaigns.

Jeff Patrick is an internet pioneer in the nonprofit sector who has assisted more than 100 nonprofits since 1999 with online giving, advocacy, marketing, and communications projects. He is an author, speaker, and recognized industry expert who has been quoted in USA Today, The New York Times, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Nonprofit Times, and others. Patrick’s company, Common Knowledge, is a nationally recognized agency and works with noted organizations such as Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Humane Society, ACLU, and others.

Favianna Rodriguez is cofounder of Tumis, a design and technology firm dedicated to global social justice that has grown to include a vertically integrated team of planners, designers, artists, and programmers with more than 10 years of experience in their fields of expertise. Rodriquez’s community work is nationally recognized and has been featured in numerous books and publications. She has worked with more than 300 national organizations on nearly 500 projects, and has traveled extensively to discuss how communications and technology can support activism.



This free podcast is from our Nonprofit Boot Camp series.

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